

status: stable

Maintainer(s): Cayle Sharrock, Stringhandler


The 3-Clause BSD Licence.

Copyright 2020 The Tari Development Community

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  1. Redistributions of this document must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 (covering RFC2119 and RFC8174) when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


This document and its content are intended for information purposes only and may be subject to change or update without notice.

This document may include preliminary concepts that may or may not be in the process of being developed by the Tari community. The release of this document is intended solely for review and discussion by the community of the technological merits of the potential system outlined herein.


This Request for Comment (RFC) presents a proposal for introducing TariScript into the Tari base layer protocol. Tari Script aims to provide a general mechanism for enabling further extensions such as side-chains, the DAN, one-sided payments and atomic swaps.

$$ \newcommand{\script}{\alpha} % utxo script \newcommand{\input}{ \theta } \newcommand{\cat}{\Vert} \newcommand{\so}{\gamma} % script offset \newcommand{\hash}[1]{\mathrm{H}\bigl({#1}\bigr)} $$


It is hopefully clear to anyone reading these RFCs that the ambitions of the Tari project extend beyond a Mimblewimble-clone-coin. It should also be fairly clear that vanilla Mimblewimble does not have the feature set to provide functionality such as:

  • One-sided payments
  • Multiparty side-chain peg-outs and peg-ins
  • Generalised smart contracts

Extensions to Mimblewimble have been proposed for most of these features, for example, David Burkett's one-sided payment proposal for LiteCoin (LIP-004) and this project's HTLC RFC.

Some smart contract features are possible, or partly possible in vanilla Mimblewimble using Scriptless script, such as

  • Atomic swaps
  • Hash time-locked contracts

Tari implemented a scripting language similar to Bitcoin script, called TariScript, under a single set of (relatively minor) modifications and additions to the Mimblewimble protocol, which achieved collapsing all of these use cases.

Scripting on Mimblewimble

Other than Beam, none of the existing Mimblewimble projects have not employed a scripting language.

Grin styles itself as a "Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol", so one might infer that this status is unlikely to change soon.

Beam does have a smart contract protocol, which allows users to execute arbitrary code (shaders) in a sandboxed Beam VM and have the results of that code interact with transactions.

Mimblewimble coin is a fork of Grin and "considers the protocol ossified".

Litecoin has included Mimblewimble as a side-chain through MWEB. As of 2022, there appears to be no plans to include general scripting into the protocol.

Scriptless scripts

Scriptless script is a wonderfully elegant technology and the inclusion of TariScript does not preclude the use of Scriptless scripts in Tari. However, scriptless scripts have some disadvantages:

  • They are often difficult to reason about, with the result that the development of features based on scriptless scripts is essentially in the hands of a very select group of cryptographers and developers.
  • The use case set is impressive considering that the "scripts" are essentially signature wrangling, but is still somewhat limited.
  • Every feature must be written and implemented separately using the specific and specialised protocol designed for that feature. That is, it cannot be used as a dynamic scripting framework on a running blockchain.

TariScript - a brief motivation

The essential idea of TariScript is as follows:

Given a standard Tari UTXO, we add additional restrictions on whether that UTXO can be included as a valid input in a transaction.

As long as those conditions are suitably committed to, are not malleable throughout the existence of the UTXO, and one can prove that the script came from the UTXO owner, then these conditions are not that different to the requirement of having range proofs attached to UTXOs, which require that the value of Tari commitments is non-negative.

This argument is independent of the nature of the additional restrictions. Specifically, if these restrictions are manifested as a script that provides additional constraints over whether a UTXO may be spent, the same arguments apply.

This means that in a very hand-wavy sort of way, there ought to be no reason that TariScript is not workable.

Note that range proofs can be discarded after a UTXO is spent. This entails that the global security guarantees of Mimblewimble is not that every transaction in history was valid from an inflation perspective, but that the net effect of all transactions leads to zero spurious inflation. This sounds worse than it is, since locally, every individual transaction is checked for validity at the time of inclusion in the blockchain.

If it somehow happened that two illegal transactions made it into the blockchain (perhaps due to a bug), and the two cancelled each other out such that the global coin supply was still correct, one would never know this when doing a chain synchronisation in pruned mode.

But if there was a steady inflation bug due to invalid range proofs making it into the blockchain, a pruned mode sync would still detect that something was awry, because the global coin supply balance acts as another check.

With TariScript, once the script has been pruned away, and then there is a re-org to an earlier point on the chain, then there's no way to ensure that the script was honoured unless you run an archival node.

This is broadly in keeping with the Mimblewimble security guarantees that, in pruned-mode synchronisation, individual transactions are not necessarily verified during chain synchronisation.

However, the guarantee that no additional coins are created or destroyed remains intact.

Put another way, the blockchain relies on the network at the time to enforce the TariScript spending rules. This means that the scheme may be susceptible to certain horizon attacks.

Incidentally, a single honest archival node would be able to detect any fraud on the same chain and provide a simple proof that a transaction did not honour the redeem script.

Additional requirements

The assumptions that broadly equate scripting with range proofs in the above argument are:

  • The script must be committed to the blockchain.
  • The script must not be malleable in any way without invalidating the transaction. This restriction extends to all participants, including the UTXO owner.
  • We must be able to prove that the UTXO originator provides the script and no one else.
  • The scripts and their redeeming inputs must be stored on the blockchain. In particular, the input data must not be malleable.

Preventing Cut-through

A major issue with many Mimblewimble extension schemes is that miners are able to cut-through UTXOs if an output is spent in the same block it was created. This makes it so that the intervening UTXO never existed; along with any checks and balances carried in that UTXO. It's also impossible to prove without additional information that cut-through even occurred (though one may suspect, since the "one" transaction would contribute two kernels to the block).

In particular, cut-through is devastating for an idea like TariScript which relies on conditions present in the UTXO being enforced. For example, say there is a UTXO in the mempool that everyone knows the blinding factor to, but is restricted to a single public key via the TariScript. A malicious user can spend the UTXO in a zero-conf transaction, and send the cut-through transaction to the mempool. Since the miner only sees the resulting aggregate transaction, it cannot know that there was a TariScript on the removed UTXO. The solution to this problem is described later in this RFC.

In contrast, range proofs are still valid if they are cut-through, because the resulting UTXOs must have valid range proofs.

Protocol additions

Please refer to Notation, which provides important pre-knowledge for the remainder of the report.

At a high level, TariScript works as follows:

  • The spending script \((\script)\) is recorded in the transaction UTXO.
  • Although scripts are included on the UTXO, they are only executed when the UTXO is spent, and in most cases, will require additional input data to be provided at this time.
  • The script input data is recorded in the transaction inputs.
  • When validating a transaction, the script is executed using the script input data.
  • After the script \((\script)\) is executed, the execution stack must contain exactly one value that will be interpreted as the script public key \((K_{S})\).
  • The script public key and commitment must match the script signature on the input, which prevents malleability of the data in the input.
  • To prevent a script from being removed from a UTXO, a new field sender offset public key \((K_{O})\) has been added.
  • The sender offset private keys \((k_{O})\) and script private keys \((k_{S})\) are used in conjunction to create a script offset \((\so)\), which are used in the consensus balance to prevent a number of attacks.

NOTE: One can prove ownership of a UTXO by demonstrating knowledge of both the commitment blinding factor \((k\)), and the script private key \((k_{S})\) for a valid script input.

UTXO data commitments

The script, as well as other UTXO metadata, such as the output features are signed for with the sender offset private key to prevent malleability. As we will describe later, the notion of a script offset is introduced to prevent cut-through and forces the preservation of these commitments until they are recorded into the blockchain.

Transaction output

The definition of a Tari transaction output is:

pub struct TransactionOutput {
    /// The transaction output version
    version: TransactionOutputVersion,
    /// Options for an output's structure or use
    features: OutputFeatures,
    /// The homomorphic commitment representing the output amount
    commitment: Commitment,
    /// A proof that the commitment is in the right range
    proof: RangeProof,
    /// The serialised script
    script: Vec<u8>,
    /// The sender offset pubkey, K_O
    sender_offset_public_key: PublicKey
    /// UTXO signature signing the transaction output data and the homomorphic commitment with a combination 
    /// of the homomorphic commitment private values (amount and blinding factor) and the sender offset private key.
    metadata_signature: CommitmentAndPublicKeySignature,
    /// The covenant that will be executed when spending this output
    covenant: Covenant,
    /// The encrypted commitment value.
    encrypted_value: EncryptedValue,
    /// The minimum value of the commitment that is proven by the range proof
    minimum_value_promise: MicroTari,

The metadata signature is a CAPK signature (as described in RFC-0182) signed with the commitment value, \( v_i \), known by the sender and receiver, the spending key, \( k_i \), known by the receiver and the sender offset private key, \(k_{Oi}\), known by the sender. (Note that \( k_{Oi} \) should be treated as a nonce.) The CAPK signature is effectively an aggregated CAPK signature between the sender and receiver, and the challenge consists of all the transaction output metadata, effectively forming a contract between the sender and receiver, making all those values non-malleable and ensuring only the sender and receiver can enter into this contract.

For purposes of this RFC, we denote the metadata signature terms as follows:

  • \( R_{MRi} \) is the ephemeral commitment,
  • \( R_{MSi} \) is the ephemeral public key,
  • \( a_{MRi} \) and \( b_{MRi} \) are the first and second commitment signature scalars,
  • \( b_{MSi} \) is the public key signature scalar.


The sender's ephemeral public key is:

$$ \begin{aligned} R_{MSi} &= r_{MSi_b} \cdot G \end{aligned} \tag{3} $$

The sender sends \( (K_{Oi}, R_{MSi}) \) along with the other partial transaction information \( (\script_i, F_i) \) to the receiver, who now has all the required information to calculate the final challenge.


The commitment definition is unchanged:

$$ \begin{aligned} C_i = v_i \cdot H + k_i \cdot G \end{aligned} \tag{4} $$

The receiver's ephemeral commitment is:

$$ \begin{aligned} R_{MRi} &= r_{MRi_a} \cdot H + r_{MRi_b} \cdot G \end{aligned} \tag{5} $$

The final challenge is:

$$ \begin{aligned} e &= \hash{ R_{MSi} \cat R_{MRi} \cat \script_i \cat F_i \cat K_{Oi} \cat C_i \cat \pi_i \cat \varphi_i \cat \vartheta_i } \\ \end{aligned} \tag{6} $$

The receiver can now calculate their portion of the aggregated CAPK signature as:

$$ \begin{aligned} a_{MRi} &= r_{MRi_a} + e \cdot v_{i} \\ b_{MRi} &= r_{MRi_b} + e \cdot k_i \end{aligned} \tag{7} $$

The receiver sends \( s_{MRi} = (a_{MRi}, b_{MRi}, R_{MRi} ) \) along with the other partial transaction information \( (C_i) \) to the sender.


The sender starts by calculating the final challenge \( e \) (6) and then completes their part of the aggregated CAPK signature.

$$ \begin{aligned} b_{MSi} &= r_{MSi_b} + e \cdot k_{Oi} \end{aligned} \tag{8} $$

The final CAPK signature is combined as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} s_{Mi} = (a_{MRi}, b_{MRi}, R_{MRi}, b_{MSi}, R_{MSi} ) \end{aligned} \tag{9} $$


This is verified by the following:

$$ \begin{aligned} a_{MRi} \cdot H + b_{MRi} \cdot G &\overset{?}{=} R_{MRi} + e \cdot C \\ b_{MSi} \cdot G &\overset{?}{=} R_{MSi} + e \cdot K_{Oi} \end{aligned} \tag{10} $$

Note that:

  • The UTXO has a positive value \( v \) like any normal UTXO.
  • The script and the output features can no longer be changed by the miner or any other party. This includes the sender and receiver; they would need to cooperate to enter into a new contract to change any metadata, otherwise, the metadata signature will be invalidated.
  • We provide the complete script on the output.

Transaction input

In standard Mimblewimble, an input is the same as an output sans range proof. The range proof doesn't need to be checked again when spending inputs, so it is dropped.

The definition of a Tari transaction input is:

pub struct TransactionInput {
    /// The transaction input version
    version: TransactionInputVersion,
    /// The output that will be spent that this input is referencing 
    spent_output: SpentOutput {
        /// The transaction output version
        version: TransactionOutputVersion,
        /// Options for an output's structure or use
        features: OutputFeatures,
        /// The homomorphic Pedersen commitment representing the output amount
        commitment: Commitment,
        /// The serialised script
        script: Vec<u8>,
        /// The sender offset pubkey, K_O
        sender_offset_public_key: PublicKey
        /// The covenant that will be executed when spending this output
        covenant: Covenant,
        /// The encrypted commitment value.
        encrypted_value: EncryptedValue,
        /// The minimum value of the commitment that is proven by the range proof
        minimum_value_promise: MicroTari,
    /// The script input data, if any
    input_data: Vec<u8>,
    /// Signature signing the script, input data, [script public key], and the homomorphic commitment with a combination 
    /// of the homomorphic commitment private values (amount and blinding factor) and the [script private key].
    script_signature: CommitmentAndPubKeySignature,

The script signature is a CAPK signature using a combination of the output commitment private values \( (v_i \, , \, k_i )\) and script private key \(k_{Si}\) to prove ownership thereof. It signs the script, the script input, script public key, and the commitment.

For purposes of this RFC, we denote the script signature terms as follows:

  • \( R_{SCi} \) is the ephemeral commitment,
  • \( R_{SPi} \) is the ephemeral public key,
  • \( a_{SCi} \) and \( b_{SCi} \) are the first and second commitment signature scalars,
  • \( b_{SPi} \) is the public key signature scalar.


The script signature is given by

$$ \begin{aligned} s_{Si} = (a_{SCi}, b_{SCi}, R_{SCi}, b_{SPi}, R_{SPi} ) \end{aligned} \tag{11} $$


$$ \begin{aligned} R_{SCi} &= r_{SCi_a} \cdot H + r_{SCi_b} \cdot G \\ a_{SCi} &= r_{SCi_a} + e \cdot v_i \\ b_{SCi} &= r_{SCi_b} + e \cdot k_i \\ R_{SPi} &= r_{SPi_b} \cdot G \\ b_{SPi} &= r_{SPi_b} + e \cdot k_{Si} \\ \end{aligned} \tag{12} $$

with the challenge being

$$ \begin{aligned} e &= \hash{ R_{SCi} \cat R_{SPi} \cat \alpha_i \cat \input_i \cat K_{Si} \cat C_i} \\ \end{aligned} \tag{13} $$


This is verified by the following:

$$ \begin{aligned} a_{SCi} \cdot H + b_{SCi} \cdot G &\overset{?}{=} R_{SCi} + e \cdot C \\ b_{SPi} \cdot G &\overset{?}{=} R_{SPi} + e \cdot K_{Si} \end{aligned} \tag{14} $$

The script public key \(K_{Si}\) needed for the script signature verification is not stored with the TransactionInput, but obtained by executing the script with the provided input data. Because this signature is signed with the script private key \(k_{Si}\), it ensures that only the owner can provide the input data \(\input_i\) to the TransactionInput.

Script Offset

For every transaction, an accompanying script offset \( \so \) needs to be provided. This is there to prove that every
script public key \( K_{Sj} \) and every sender offset public key \( K_{Oi} \) supplied with the UTXOs are the correct ones. The sender will know and provide sender offset private keys \(k_{Oi} \) and script private keys \(k_{Si} \); these are combined to create the script offset \( \so \), which is calculated as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so = \sum_j\mathrm{k_{Sj}} - \sum_i\mathrm{k_{Oi}} \; \text{for each input}, j,\, \text{and each output}, i \end{aligned} \tag{15} $$

Verification of (15) will entail:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so \cdot G = \sum_j\mathrm{K_{Sj}} - \sum_i\mathrm{K_{Oi}} \; \text{for each input}, j,\, \text{and each output}, i \end{aligned} \tag{16} $$

We modify the transactions to be:

pub struct Transaction {
    /// A scalar offset that links outputs and inputs to prevent cut-through, enforcing the correct application of
    /// the output script.
    pub script_offset: BlindingFactor,

All script offsets (\(\so\)) from (15) contained in a block are summed together to create a total script offset (17) so that algorithm (15) still holds for a block.

$$ \begin{aligned} \so_{total} = \sum_k\mathrm{\so_{k}}\; \text{for every transaction}, k \end{aligned} \tag{17} $$

Verification of (17) will entail:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so_{total} \cdot G = \sum_j\mathrm{K_{Sj}} - \sum_i\mathrm{K_{Oi}} \; \text{for each input}, j,\, \text{and each output}, i \end{aligned} \tag{18} $$

As can be seen, all information required to verify (17) is contained in a block's inputs and outputs. One important distinction to make is that the Coinbase output in a coinbase transaction does not count toward the script offset. This is because the Coinbase UTXO already has special rules accompanying it and it has no input, thus we cannot generate a script offset \( \so \). The coinbase output can allow any script \(\script_i\) and sender offset public key \( K_{Oi} \) as long as it does not break any of the rules in RFC 120 and the script is honored at spend. If the coinbase is used as an input, it is treated exactly the same as any other input.

We modify Blockheaders to be:

pub struct BlockHeader {
    /// Sum of script offsets for all kernels in this block.
    pub total_script_offset: Scalar,

This notion of the script offset \(\so\) means that no third party can remove any input or output from a transaction or the block, as that will invalidate the script offset balance equation, either (16) or (18) depending on whether the scope is a transaction or block. It is important to know that this also stops cut‑through so that we can verify all spent UTXO scripts. Because the script private key and
sender offset private key are not publicly known, it's impossible to create a new script offset.

Certain scripts may allow more than one valid set of input data. Users might be led to believe that this will allow a third party to change the script keypair \((k_{Si}\),\(K_{Si})\). If an attacker can change the \(K_{Si}\) keys of the input then he can take control of the \(K_{Oi}\) as well, allowing the attacker to change the metadata of the UTXO including the script. But as shown in Script offset security, this is not possible.

If equation (16) or (18) balances then we know that each included input and output in the transaction or block has its correct script public key and sender offset public key. Signatures (9) & (11) are checked independently from script offset verification (16) and (18), and looked at in isolation those could verify correctly but can still be signed by fake keys. When doing verification in (16) and (18) you know that the signatures and the message/metadata signed by the private keys can be trusted.


TariScript does not impact the Mimblewimble balance for blocks and transactions, however, an additional consensus rule for transaction and block validation is required.

Verify that for every valid transaction or block:

  1. The metadata signature \( s_{Mi} \) is valid for every output.
  2. The script executes successfully using the given input script data.
  3. The result of the script is a valid script public key, \( K_S \).
  4. The script signature, \( s_{Si} \), is valid for every input.
  5. The script offset is valid for every transaction and block.

Preventing Cut-through with the Script Offset

Earlier, we described that cut-through must be prevented; this is achieved by the script offset. It mathematically links all inputs and outputs of all the transactions in a block and that tallied up creates the script offset. Providing the script offset requires knowledge of keys that miners do not possess; thus they are unable to produce the necessary script offset when attempting to perform cut-through on a pair of transactions.

Let's show by example how the script offset stops cut-through, where Alice spends to Bob who spends to Carol. Ignoring fees, we have:

$$ C_a \Rightarrow C_b \Rightarrow C_c $$

For these two transactions, the total script offset is calculated as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so_1 = k_{Sa} - k_{Ob}\\ \so_2 = k_{Sb} - k_{Oc}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{19} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} \so_t = \so_1 + \so_2 = (k_{Sa} + k_{Sb}) - (k_{Ob} + k_{Oc})\\ \end{aligned} \tag{20} $$

In standard Mimblewimble cut-through can be applied to get:

$$ C_a \Rightarrow C_c $$

After cut-through the total script offset becomes:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so'_t = k_{Sa} - k_{Oc}\\ \end{aligned} \tag{21} $$

As we can see:

$$ \begin{aligned} \so_t\ \neq \so'_t \\ \end{aligned} \tag{22} $$

A third party cannot generate a new script offset as only the original owner can provide the script private key \(k_{Sa}\) to create a new script offset.

Script offset security

If all the inputs in a transaction or a block contain scripts such as just NOP or CompareHeight commands, then the hypothesis is that it is possible to recreate a false script offset. Let's show by example why this is not possible. In this Example we have Alice who pays Bob with no change output:

$$ C_a \Rightarrow C_b $$

Alice has an output \(C_{a}\) which contains a script that only has a NOP command in it. This means that the script \( \script_a \) will immediately exit on execution leaving the entire input data \( \input_a \)on the stack. She sends all the required information to Bob as per the standard mw transaction, who creates an output \(C_{b}\). Because of the NOP script \( \script_a \), Bob can change the script public key \( K_{Sa}\) contained in the input data. Bob can now use his own \(k'_{Sa}\) as the script private key. He replaces the sender offset public key with his own \(K'_{Ob}\) allowing him to change the script \( \script_b \) and generate a new signature as in (9). Bob can now generate a new script offset with \(\so' = k'_{Sa} - k'_{Ob} \). Up to this point, it all seems valid. No one can detect that Bob changed the script to \( \script_b \).

But what Bob also needs to do is generate the signature in (13). For this signature, Bob needs to know \(k_{Sa}, k_a, v_a\). Because Bob created a fake script private key, and there is no change in this transaction, he does know the script private key and the value. But Bob does not know the blinding factor \(k_a\) of Alice's commitment and thus cannot complete the signature in (13). Only the rightful owner of the commitment, which in Mimblewimble terms is the person who knows \( k_a, v_a\), and can generate the signature in (13).

Script lock key generation

At face value, it looks like the burden for wallets has tripled, since each UTXO owner has to remember three private keys, the spend key, \( k_i \), the sender offset key \( k_{O} \), and the script key \( k_{S} \). In practice, the script key will often be a static key associated with the user's node or wallet. Even if it is not, the script and sender offset keys can be deterministically derived from the spend key. For example, \( k_{S} \) could be \( \hash{ k_i \cat \alpha} \).

Blockchain bloat

The most obvious drawback to TariScript is the effect it has on blockchain size. UTXOs are substantially larger, with the addition of the script, metadata signature, script signature, and a public key to every output.

These can eventually be pruned but will increase storage and bandwidth requirements.

The input size of a block is much bigger than in standard Mimblewimble, whereas it would only be a commitment and output features. In Tari, each input includes a script, input_data, the script signature, and an extra public key. This could be compacted by just broadcasting input hashes along with the missing script input data and signature, instead of the full input in a transaction message, but this will still be larger than standard Mimblewimble inputs.

In Tari, every header is also bigger as it includes an extra blinding factor that cannot be pruned away.

Fodder for chain analysis

Another potential drawback of TariScript is the additional information that is handed to entities wishing to perform chain analysis. Having scripts attached to outputs will often clearly mark the purpose of that UTXO. Users may wish to re-spend outputs into vanilla, default UTXOs in a mixing transaction to disassociate Tari funds from a particular script.


Where possible, the "usual" notation is used to denote terms commonly found in cryptocurrency literature. Lowercase characters are used as private keys, while uppercase characters are used as public keys. New terms introduced by TariScript are assigned Greek lowercase letters in most cases.

\( \script_i \)An output script for output i, serialised to binary.
\( F_i \)Output features for UTXO i.
\( f_t \)Transaction fee for transaction t.
\( (k_{Oi}, K_{Oi}) \)The private - public keypair for the UTXO sender offset key. Note that \( k_{Oi} \) should be treated as a nonce.
\( (k_{Si}, K_{Si}) \)The private - public keypair for the script key. The script, \( \script_i \) resolves to \( K_S \) after completing execution.
\( \so_t \)The script offset for transaction t, see (15)
\( C_i \)A Pedersen commitment to a value \( v_i \), see (4)
\( \input_i \)The serialised input for script \( \script_i \)
\( \pi_i \)The covenant for UTXO i.
\( \varphi_i \)The encrypted value for UTXO i.
\( \vartheta_i \)The minimum value promise for UTXO i.
\( s_{Si} \)A script signature for output \( i \), see (11 - 13). Additionally, the capital letter subscripts, C and P refer to the ephemeral commitment and ephemeral public key portions respectively (example \( s_{SCi}, s_{SPi} \)) .
\( s_{Mi} \)A metadata signature for output \( i \), see (3 - 10). Additional the capital letter subscripts, R and S refer to a UTXO receiver and sender respectively (exmple \( s_{MRi}, s_{MSi} \)) .


Thanks to David Burkett for proposing a method to prevent cut-through and willingness to discuss ideas.

Change log

17 Aug 2020First draftCjS77
11 Feb 2021Major updateCjS77, SWvheerden, philipr-za
26 Apr 2021Clarify one sided payment rulesSWvheerden
31 May 2021Including full script in transaction outputsphilipr-za
04 Jun 2021Remove beta range-proof calculationSWvheerden
22 Jun 2021Change script_signature type to ComSighansieodendaal
30 Jun 2021Clarify Tari Script nomenclaturehansieodendaal
06 Oct 2022Minor improvements in legibilitystringhandler
11 Nov 2022Update ComAndPubSig and move out examplesstringhandler
22 Nov 2022Added metadata_signature and script_signature mathhansieodendaal
06 Apr 2023Grammar and spelling changesSWvheerden